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Credit Tenant Lease Program

Landmark created a credit tenant lease program for healthcare providers that are principally focused on the achievement of the lowest achievable rent for their new outpatient buildings.

Credit Tenant Lease Program

Credit Tenant Lease

How Credit Tenant Lease Ownership Works

Healthcare providers that participate in Landmark’s credit tenant lease ownership program are willing to sign long-term master leases for all the space in their new outpatient buildings because the significant majority or all the space in their buildings will be utilized for their functions and service lines and the office space of employed physicians.

Financial Benefits for Credit Tenant Lease Ownership Clients

Rent Reductions

Program participants benefit from the significant rent reductions that result from their credit-worthy master leases.

No Ownership Risks

Program participants avoid the financial obligations and risks that result from the development of their new outpatient buildings for their ownership.

Free Building Ownership

Landmark is the sole owner during the term of the master lease. Landmark transfers sole ownership to program participants – – at no cost to them – – at the conclusion of the master lease.

Have Questions?

For additional information about the no-cost ownership program of Landmark,
please contact us online or call us at 414-277-0500.

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